Advantages and disadvantages of SRL SRL is the most common form of organization of a company; if your annual economic activity is significant, it would be advisable to opt for its development in the form of an SRL. Benefits: Unlimited number of employees; Associates are only liable within the limit of their contribution to the social capital; Diversity of fields of activity; You do not need supporting documents attesting to professional skills.
The possibility to settle certain expenses that are consistent British Student Phone Number List with the field of activity; 1% tax on income, if the company has at least one full-time employee and the annual turnover is below 500,000 euros; The possibility of being eligible for participation in various auctions or accessing non-reimbursable funds; Increasing the level of trust your partners place in you, as they are able to analyze your public financial data. Disadvantages: According to the new tax changes, a 16% profit tax applies if the company has no employees; The establishment process contains more documents and is more expensive than a PFA; Accounting is managed in double entry, which is why an accountant is needed who has the right to sign the balance sheet, which leads to increased costs.

Associates can be rewarded with dividends only if the company generated profit in the previous financial year (annual or quarterly); For the payment of dividends, an annual or interim balance sheet is needed, and the tax rate increased in 2023 from 5% to 8%; The liquidation and deletion of an SRL is done simultaneously, in two stages and takes approximately 40 days; Losing the trust of your collaborators if your public data indicates various problems of a financial or legal nature; The company's money is separate from the owner's money, and associates can only take money out of the company through dividends, salary/bonuses (which are taxed) or per diem. Advantages and disadvantages of PFA PFA is the way in which a natural person, without legal personality, can carry out an economic activity.