Communities her message is well-timed.Ashley Renne Nsonwu regularly shares tips on how to recycle better like donating old clothes on her Instagram. Recycling Banks for clothes and shoes. Photo by Chris HarrisUCGUniversal Images Group via Getty ImagesAshley Renne Nsonwu RecyclingA founder content creator keynote speaker activist and vegan lifestyle advocate Nsonwu is perhaps best known for her recycling advocacy and her sustainable lifestyle. A few years ago she put her money where her mouth is giving up a globetrotting.
lifestyle to reduce her carbon footprint 8 of the worlds carbon emissions stem from Germany WhatsApp Number Data tourism and educate people on how to recycle better. She holds certifications from Cornell U. in “Food and Sustainability” and “Plant Based Nutrition.” subsistence farmer in Perus northern highlands Maxima Acuna has stood up for her right to peacefully live in her plot of land sought by Newmont and Buenaventura Mining to develop the Conga gold and copper mine. Photo CRIS BOURONCLEAFP via Getty ImagesMaxima.
Acuna Subsistence FarmingAcuna is a Peruvian subsistence farmer known throughout Latin America for her fight against the one of the worlds most successful gold and copper mining companies- Newmont Mining Corporation. When representatives from the corporation attempted to remove Acuna and her family she successfully argued her case in court to maintain the right to her home and the land that her family lives off of. Her story has inspired a film and global support while bringing attention to the