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well as our privacy practices and commitment to protecting it, please review our Privacy Iran WhatsApp Number Data Policy. Facebook announces the integration of Messenger, Whatsapp and Instagram messaging Guest Author Mar , | min read facebook- We are here again with the breaking news. And what has shaken the digital world was Mark Zuckerberg's open letter, announcing what everyone was already speculating: the union of Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram messaging. Yes, the giant does not stop growing! Find out everything about the news below. A small slip by Facebook was not a good year for the most accessed social network in the world. Here are some of the

complicated moments that Zuckerberg experienced: the Cambridge Analytica scandal came to light; stocks fell sharply; millions of accounts were hacked; Instagram founders left the company; and Mark had to answer to the American Senate, the English Parliament and the European Parliament about privacy on Facebook. ADVERTISEMENT The Year of Unification “In this letter, I will lay out our vision and principles around building a privacy-focused messaging and social media platform.” Therefore, to start at full steam, the fifteen-year-old red decided to enter the adult world and leave her life so exposed