Shared Hosting provides users with a certain amount of space on the server for a monthly fee. but not exceeding the allocated space on the server. What is Shared Hosting? What is Shared Hosting? Each user will be allocated the total bandwidth, power and memory available on the server. Users will be solely responsible for setting up and operating the websites. If you own a website with low traffic, you should not ignore this shared hosting service. Because the price of shared hosting is much cheaper than other services and is the most economical choice today. Outstanding features of Shared Hosting To better understand Shared Hosting and the benefits it can bring to your work, Miko Tech has compiled the outstanding features of this service. As follows: Easily manage multiple websites on the same hosting account. A website can use many different domains and bandwidths.
The user manual is clearly and easily understood. There are videos, documents, and Email Data ebooks to help you make things easier during use. Can backup and restore data. Free subdomain creation. You can create and manage email mailboxes according to your own domain name. Shared Hosting offers many languages with different versions for users to choose from. Users can monitor parameters and manage logging by bandwidth. Multi-platform support such as Windows , Linux, PHP, MySQL,... Easily upgrade or reduce storage capacity and other resources depending on your needs. Things you need to know about Shared Hosting Shared Hosting has traffic limits, so hosting providers need to have different services to suit customer requirements.

Other services that Shared Hosting supports for you include website statistics, email, web email services, automatic copyright installation, PHP and MySQL updates . It also often uses hosting management software such as cPanel, Directadmin, Plesk... The Shared Hosting provider will be responsible for managing the server, installing server software, updating security features, technical support... Some common terms in Shared Hosting that you may encounter include: Disk Space: Storage capacity. Bandwidth: Bandwidth. Database : MySQL, SQL Server, database. FTP Account : FTP account. Why do you need shared hosting? By sharing a server, you can save costs and easily manage your website without needing much server administration skills. This makes Shared hosting a popular choice for those just starting out on the web, or those with a limited budget. However, if your website is growing and has greater resource needs.