What one might believe, translating film titles is not always easy. Retitling can sometimes be tedious, as there are many factors to take into account when translating a film title. A seemingly easy job, but in practice much less… Translating film titles is a field full of subtleties and small pitfalls to avoid, the latter of which can give an experienced translator a hard time. The translation of film titles turns out to be a perilous mission: it will in fact constitute the identity of the film, supposed to represent the summary of two hours of viewing. The title must arouse the viewer's curiosity and make them want to know more through the trailer.
A trailer which will also illustrate the famous title. Suffice it to say that this is not a step to be WhatsApp Number List taken lightly. the original title: it must evoke the content of the film and have a logical link with it, whatever translation we decide to attribute to it. Titles also have an important marketing dimension; they must be catchy and trigger curiosity and desire. It is therefore essential to use striking and easily understandable terms. Clearly, the public must immediately be able to imagine the scenario just by reading the title of the film. READ ALSO Video subtitling: opportunity to seize.

The cultural aspect is just as crucial, the title calling on references shared by the target national audience, such as idiomatic expressions, puns, but also humor. The translator must also pay attention to the vocabulary used. Certain words may be taboo depending on the country and should therefore be avoided. Good adaptation will therefore be essential so as not to offend or shock the target audience. The original title of the film has often been long and difficult for producers to find; it is therefore up to the translator to best convey all the nuances and polysemy that the original title may contain. Film titles for French-speaking audiences The titles of big American blockbusters are generally left.