View-source: "view-source:" written to the left of the URL Note the colon at the end. And don't leave any spaces between the colon and the start of the URL. Like this : view-source Press Enter You should be able to view the source code of the page. It will look like this: Source code example Typically, meta tags are found at the top of the source code. To find the page title, look for a tag starting with .
What is between these Costa Rica Phone Number List two tags is the title of your current page. For example : shouldn't be far off. It could look like this: Title Tags Heading tags (also called H tags or title tags) are HTML tags used to distinguish between headings and subheadings on a web page. They improve readability and SEO. Here's how to find them in your CMS. First, log in to your CMS and find the page you want to optimize.

Look at the titles in the content. The main title must be an H1 . The main sections must be H2. The subsections below must be H3s. And so on to H6, although you probably won't get that far. The different titles in WordPress: H1 to H6 It is recommended to include your target keyword in your H1. Introduction One of the best ways to improve your rankings for a particular keyword is to create content around that keyword. Indeed, this allows Google to know if your pages match the search intent. So be sure to use the keyword and its variations.