Find out what readers want from the strategy Having blogs under control allows you to find valuable sources for updates, but also to monitor reader behavior. Gather information Pay attention to sources when doing content strategy marketing. You don't just have to read the articles but also the comments. Through an analysis of the comments you can identify needs, questions and needs of a niche. A niche that you can satisfy through articles designed to meet needs. An example yesterday I published an article born from the observation left by a reader. Do you think you can't do the same with another blogger's comments? Can't you exploit questions from users not directly linked to your blog to create useful content by focusing on comment marketing ? This is also a method to gain the attention of those who don't know your blog yet.
Define the objectives of the content strategy The objectives in the content 10 best gps tracker services in Bangladesh strategy must be clarified in the editorial plan. Why do you publish content? Here are some useful ideas Brand Awareness. Lead generation. Direct sales. Product launch. Viral marketing. SEO. In any case, a summary or template must be defined with the main objectives and the KPIs to be measured to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy. The contents I know best, namely the lyrics. The same web copywriting elements used for useless pages that will never be visited. And that they will position themselves for research that no one will do.

This happens when the editorial plan is missing . Dramatic, right? But do you know how many times I have heard the phrase Do you still want information? But you don't need them. You write and don't worry. Now we have to fill the site . Fill the site. I guess this was the idea that pushed Microsoft to write special texts . This is content strategy for web marketing . Thirty percent of the content on the Microsoft portal, according to gerrymcgovern , had never been visited. This means that million pages went unnoticed. Three million pages. Do you want to do SEO Copywriting ? I remove the contents! You also manage the visual content strategy Nice infographics .