Causes: Employees lack communication skills, are not well trained or are overloaded with work.
The first thing to do is to listen to customer feedback and quickly apologize for the spain number data inconvenience they have experienced. Retrain employees on communication skills, handling situations and service attitudes. Develop a professional and consistent customer care process to avoid recurrence.
How to effectively manage stubborn employees: Create cooperation instead of conflict
Unclear pricing, warranty and refund policies
Customers may feel “cheated” if pricing, warranties or refund policies are unclear or change without clear notification. This can easily lead to misunderstandings and complaints.
Cause: Lack of transparency in information or policy changes without timely updates to customers.
This is a major issue that seriously affects the company's reputation. Therefore, you should update clear information about prices, warranty and refund policies on the website, invoices and communication channels. Make sure customers are always informed accurately about their rights. In case of complaints, explain clearly and provide reasonable solutions.