[size=14.6667px]Note that only new subscribers will pay the new price – subscribers who signed up before you changed your price will continue paying the same amount Set up your account to receive payouts To receive payments from your subscriptions you need to set up and add a payout account to your Instagram profile and you’ll have to earn at least $ before you can receive your first payout Here’s how to set up payouts From the Professional dashboard hit [size=14.6667px]
[size=14.6667px]Payouts Go to Update payout method Choose the kind of payout account you want to connect C Level Executive Email Lists [size=14.6667px] to your account You can add a bank or PayPal account Follow the prompts to finish setting up payouts You’ll receive PDFs of your monthly earnings from Instagram You can also see and download two to threemonths’ worth of invoices through the Payout settings option in your Professional dashboard Get your followers to subscribe Instagram makes
[size=14.6667px]It easy to get your audience to subscribe Here’s what happens for them once you’ve set up Subscriptions on your account They visit your profile and click Subscribe the benefits of subscribing and the pricing They click ‘Subscribe’ They review payment terms and click ‘Process Payments And that’s it! However apart from the option for them to discover your new Subscription organically you should also prompt your existing and new followers to subscribe You can Create an Instagram