Oriented processes
These stages must be appropriate to the needs of the company, but in general, they are used “to execute”, “in progress” and “completed”. As the tasks evolve, the card is placed in the corresponding column. That way, it is easier to visualize if any process is behind schedule and identify possible problems. In addition to that, it guarantees that the deadlines will be met. Six Sigma. This tool is recognized internationally because it provides more efficiency, economy and quality to the company's production processes. This is achieved through the identification of problems and implementation of improvements.In this way, lower operating costs are obtained , which consequently USA WhatsApp Number Data increases profits. Six Sigma is also about how often a given operation uses more than the minimum resources necessary to satisfy customers. This represents a waste rate per operation, which allows for a diagnosis of the level of performance of the processes. Kaizen. This theory has collective work as its main point. Therefore, human resources are highly valued, having to be motivated to align their personal interests with the goals of the organization. The Kaizen method has some assumptions. Are these: Waste disposal. Involvement of all collaborators, regardless of hierarchies.
Increased productivity with low investments Visual management principle, which provides for transparency in procedures, values and processes. Attention to the work environment or the factory floor, that is, the premises of the company that creates value. Oriented processes. Learning through practice. Poka-yoke. This tool is applicable in any situation that involves risks of defects or failures. In other words, it is a quality management method that aims to reduce costs by eliminating failures or problems nonconformity with the products. Conclusion.Thus, we can perceive that production planning and control is an ideal tool to have more productivity, eliminate errors, failures and reduce costs, consequently increasing profits.