Elittoral, a Canarian company specialized in coastal and oceanographic engine...
Its manager, Óscar Bergasa, explains the complexities of the consulting they carry out in several African and Latin American countries. Go to download Elittoral is a Canarian environmental consultancy specialized in carrying out coastal and oceanographic engineering studies in the marine environment. Its manager, Óscar Bergasa, points out that the company's advice extends to any moment in the life cycle of the projects, such as the design of a wastewater discharge or the location of a port activity, or the execution and exploitation phases. of these projects, in which it is necessary to monitor the measures that have been taken. They have developed different projects in the Canary Islands, but also in Africa and Latin America. Thus, in Morocco they are working on the installation of a large desalination plant, locating the place to dump the brine, a job in which it is necessary to study the marine currents to guarantee its dilution. In Mauritania they study the erosion produced by the construction of a port in a sandy area. In the Canary Islands they constantly monitor the marine environment to ensure that spills do not cause problems. Information availability Bergasa believes that today there is a lot of information available on data related to the environment, although this data is not always well managed. This information opens a range of opportunities to make projections about what may happen in the medium and long term, so that projects related to the environment and the protection of the maritime environment can be developed with more precision.
The ambulance sector: the vocation behind a staff of 2,000 people Ambulance upon arrival at the Health Center |Photo: ARCHIVE Ambulance upon arrival at the Health Center | Photo: ARCHIVE We spoke with Fefy Moreno, president of ACEA, about the impact of the covid-19 crisis on medical transportation. Go to download Fefy Moreno is president of the Canarian Association of Ambulance Companies (ACEA), integrated into the Federation of Transport Companies (FET), as well as manager of the company TASISA and Ambulances Islas Canarias. After twenty-five years in the company, which she joined as an administrator, she is proud to direct the direction of an entity in which “people are served. It is a WhatsApp Number List vocational job.” The ambulance sector in the Canary Islands is made up of about fifteen companies, 400 ambulances and more than 2,000 jobs. The vehicles used range from non-care ambulances for non-urgent transportation, such as rehabilitation and dialysis, basic life support ambulances, which carry two people including a paramedic, and advanced life support, which includes three people, with a doctor in front. The fleet is completed with logistics vehicles. To work in the sector, the title of Health Emergency Technician is required, both for the driver and the assistant. The driver must also have a B or C driving license, depending on the vehicle. Added to this are specific courses such as defibrillation, stress and anxiety treatment, which companies provide on an ongoing basis. A single case of covid Moreno points out that they have faced the covid-19 crisis with training courses and investment in health supplies and PPE.
Thanks to that, it has only registered one positive case of covid-19 in the entire Canary Islands.The Red Alert platform demands the protection of the entire cultural sector and not just the artists Red Alert Logo |Photo: RED ALERT Red Alert Logo | Photo: RED ALERT The spokesperson, Paco Lop, states that there are more than 700,000 families in Spain that make a living from this activity and few are protected by aid. Go to download The Red Alert Platform spokesperson, Paco Lop, points out the inadequacies of the Safe Culture campaign of the Ministry directed by José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes. He states that they asked the ministry to have the platform to work on the visibility of all sectors related to culture, and not just artists, “but when the campaign is launched we have seen that the rest of the workers are left behind. ”. Furthermore, he understands that there is no point in running campaigns if other measures are not put in place, such as rescuing the business and labor fabric of the world of culture, where there are many professionals who have not worked since March and do not receive any aid. . Culture is not just the artist He insists that culture is not just the artist, since many professionals attend the various events, from drivers, to editors, technicians, backline, catering and merchandising staff, ticket sales, hairdressers, makeup artists to theater doormen. : “More than 700,000 families but we will fall short.” He considers that the necessary measures involve censusing and regularizing the sector through collective agreements so that everyone enjoys minimum conditions, as well as the much-demanded reduction in cultural VAT.