How to deal with anger: 10 practical tips
Knowing how to deal with anger is very important to be able to manage this emotion in a healthy way, without suffering damage to your mental health and, of course, your relationships. Feeling angry at times is normal, the problem is when it becomes frequent and very intense. To learn how to manage everything that involves this emotion, it is necessary, first of all, to understand it. How about starting by reading this article on the subject? Watch until the end to learn how to deal with anger. summary What is anger? What is the good and important side of anger? The harmful side of excessive anger What is the relationship between anger and mental and physical health? What could be behind constant anger? 10 tips for learning how to deal with anger What is anger? Anger is a basic human emotion, just like joy, disgust, sadness, among many others. It is related to fighting or fleeing in the face of a threatening situation and does not just concern physical issues, after all, conversations and verbal conflicts can also generate anger.
Despite being considered negative because, in excess, it is capable of generating problems in different areas, in reality it has a good side too. Unpleasant emotions, such as anger, help people move away from what is generating the feeling and which, in some cases, can be a real danger. In other words: despite not being so positive, anger is necessary for human survival. It is, therefore, a protective emotion. The objective of anger is not destruction, but the protection of what is important and, therefore, it is necessary to be able to live with it and not eliminate it completely. What is Brazil Phone Number Data the good and important side of anger? Moderate anger can show us what is wrong in our lives, encouraging us to look for solutions to problems that trouble us since the newfound motivation is superior to insecurity and shame . Furthermore, we are more aware of the injustices around us, generating social changes of great significance. Just think about the transformations in Brazil and the world and we quickly identify where the anger is located. It is clear, therefore, that this emotion is also beneficial for our health.
Since we are children, we are taught to contain ourselves so as not to bother others or give the wrong impression. After all, no one likes to live with a person known for their temper tantrums. However, excess negativity is capable of overwhelming us and causing catastrophic implications for the physical and mental spheres. After releasing bad emotions , in addition to remaining calm, we are able to move forward to face the next challenges with a clear mind. Anger also helps us release accumulated tension, as we don't always have a moment of tranquility to emotionally rebalance ourselves from the stress of everyday life. However, we need to understand the difference between releasing our frustrations in a fit of rage and managing feelings (resentment, anger, frustration) and negative behaviors (implication, provocation, lack of patience). One is harmful not only to us, but to everyone around us. The other is a way to prevent the first.