Want to start by asking you
To tell us something about yourself, for the audience who still don’t know who you are. Where to start…let’s see. So, my name is Sarah Dawley. I am coming to you live from a little town in the mountains of British Columbia, Canada. It’s called Kamloops. I moved here about a year ago from Vancouver. Loving it. Just surrounded by snow and hills. It’s just a gorgeous time of year to be up here. I’ve been with Hootsuite for almost seven years now on the content team the entire time. And, just really excited about these trends, really excited about.Where the social space is heading and excited to dive in with you more. The other side of the world compared to me. Yes. Right, can you please tell us more Canada WhatsApp Number Data about your professional journey. Also, what’s your favorite part of your current role, and why? So I started out as a copywriter at a few different little ad agencies, doing some content marketing, a lot of PR, that type of thing. And then, in , I was hired as the social media manager for a group of Canadian television stations.
So, for anyone who grew up in Canada, you’ll know Much Music and MTV Canada. So, back when we played music videos on TV. So, I was the social media manager for those channels for about four years. I then made the move over to Vancouver to work for Hootsuite. So, while I was a social media manager, I was a Hootsuite manager. So, it was really cool to kind of come over with that perspective and I started as a copywriter on the content team. Moved up to senior copywriter and eventually to the role I’m in now, which is leading the content strategy and the content marketing team at Hootsuite.