Representatives of the
Initially representatives of the their main hopes in it but so far it turns out to be in vain. Czech Cryptocurrency Association hoped that MiCA would level the playing field for all companies in the industry and clarify the issue of licensing. Opinions were also voiced that domestic exchange offices or stock exchanges will be able to rely on the EBA guidelines which state that there should be no discrimination of any industry as a whole by banks due to the AML Act. However as the current discussions of banks and regulators show this recommendation will certainly not solve the situation.It is now naive to think that the arrival of the MiCA regulation will open our accounts Indonesia WhatsApp Number Data with the banking houses" declares Niedoba."The banks themselves have no reason to change their behavior in any way. Therefore the only possible solution is a legal regulation that will motivate the CNB to make it impossible for banks to discriminate against the industry" adds Kyrsch.BRAND2Will they wait? And if not what next? According to market participants the closure of bank accounts complicated payment transactions with clients and exchange offices and stock exchanges had to raise prices. As a result they quickly began to lose their competitiveness.
User activity dropped by roughly half in connection with the closure of our bank accounts. Transactions are slower and you simply cannot buy cryptocurrencies on the weekend. Those who want to actively trade with cryptocurrencies prefer to change their money to euros and send it to a foreign exchange or stock exchange" adds Niedoba.Regulation under NIS2: What businesses must comply with in a more relaxed regimeMARTIN DRTINA. . 22Reading time:minutesNEW OPINIONSShare.