the example of an AI video created
First choose your AI presenter Synthesiaoffers more thanavatars for your AI videos OR you can create your ownavatar Second enter your script for your AI video Third generate your AI videoand then translate download or stream it Wanna try Synthesia before buyingSimply head over to the Synthesia demo. Select a templateput up the textto video script and proceed. Synthesia then quickly generates a video and mailsyou so that you can check the quality of the videos produced through thisamazing AI VIDEO generator. synthesia ai video maker demoHeres by Synthesia Pros of Synthesia Worksgreat when you dont have actors or cast to record a video Generate videos fromtext Create SEO marketing videos automatically Create AI videos for onlinelearning video courses Create eCommerce video product listing videos Videos canbe up tominutes long Upload custom Lebanon Phone Number Data image or video backgrounds You cancreate videos in overlanguages Create AI videos for personalized salesvideos Generate AI videos for automated daily news videos and much more Cons ofSynthesia There are a few AI avatars that dont l sound and feel natural Howmuch does Synthesia cost Synthesia offers the following two pricing plansstarting fromper month.
Compared to Invideo it is going to costmore for your pocket. The Personal plan might not work for you because it onlyincludesvideo credits. But you can always have a custom pricing plan tomeet your custom requirements. . Personal plan This is great for beginnerswhich costs youper month and gives you access to the followingthingsvideo credits per month Text to videoLanguages Builtin AvatarsTemplates Custom backgrounds Background music MPdownloads Video sharing pagesembeds Add text images shapes Free stockimagesvideos Import PowerPoints Up toslides per video .